March Gardening Tips
With the official first day of spring at hand, March is an exciting month in the garden. While it is important not to rush into gardening too early and put...
Use Scotts® DiseaseEx™ Lawn Fungicide on home lawns to prevent disease before it appears and control disease at the first sign of symptoms
Controls 26 listed lawn diseases, including brown patch, stem & stripe rust, red thread, powdery mildew, necrotic ring spot, and pink patch
This fungicide for lawns starts working within 24 hours of application, and continues to control diseases up to 4 weeks
For best results, begin applications of this lawn care treatment prior to disease symptoms, or when conditions are favorable for disease
One 10 lb. bag of Scotts® DiseaseEx™ Lawn Fungicide 10 lb. bag treats up to 5,000 sq. ft.
Automatically mixes and applies. 12 settings, 3 spray patterns - Flat fan for lawns, straight stream for tall trees, and gentle shower for tender foliage and blooms. Unused concentrate can be returned to the original container. Ideal for insecticide, fungicide, herbicide and fertilizer concentrates.
A high potency biofungicide/bactericide that controls blight, molds, rots, spots and mildews on vegetables, fruits, nuts, ornamentals, lawns, houseplants and tropical plants grown inside and out. This organic gardening product may be used right up to the day of harvest.
Fairly long-lived perennial in upper South; short-lived perennial or annual in lower South. Very leafy plants 8 to 12 inches tall that spread by stolons (runners) and form shallow roots at nodes.
Stop diseases on fruits, vegetables and ornamentals with Bonide Sulfur Plant Fungicide Micronized Spray or Dust. Formulated for use as a dust or spray, this fine particle formula ensures better coverage, adhesion and disease control. Bonide Sulfur Plant Fungicide Micronized Spray or Dust is approved for organic gardening.
Insecticide plus Fungicide; A specially formulated, completely organic, general purpose product designed for convenient consumer use as a dust or spray on vegetables, fruit and flowers. Colored green to blend with foliage.
Bonide Fung-onil Multi-Purpose Fungicide Concentrate controls numerous diseases on trees, roses, flowers and vegetables. Truly all-purpose, it stops leaf spots, rust blights, fruit rots, mildew and fungus for a more beautiful garden and yard!
Bonide Fung-onil Multi-Purpose Fungicide Spray controls numerous diseases on trees, roses, flowers and vegetables. Truly all-purpose, it stops leaf spots, rust blights, fruit rots, mildew and fungus for a more beautiful garden and yard!
Trust Bonide Copper Fungicide Spray or Dust to control early and late blight, leaf spots, downy mildew, anthracnose and certain other fungal diseases on various vegetables, flowers, ornamentals and fruits. This organic product will not burn plants.
Bonide Rot-Stop Tomato Blossom End Rot Ready-to-Use controls blossom end rot on tomatoes and other vegetables, and even corrects calcium deficiency. For best results, apply to developing fruit and foliage after periods of heavy rain or rapid growth.
Bonide Rose Rx 3-In-1 Ready-to-Use Spray is an easy, ready-to-use, organic formula that provides care for your roses as a miticide, fungicide and insecticide. Kills black spot, powdery mildew, rust, blights, spider mites, aphids, whiteflies and other insect pests at all stages of life. May be used indoors and easy on beneficial insects. Great for organic gardens!
Take care of your lawn with Scotts Moss Control Granules For Lawns. This special formula is guaranteed to kill moss quickly and thoroughly without harming your grass. Contains iron to turn your lawn a deep green without excess growth.
Trust Bonide Copper Fungicide Concentrate to control early and late blight, leaf spots, downy mildew, anthracnose and certain other fungal diseases on various vegetables, flowers, ornamentals and fruits. This organic product will not burn plants and can be applied up to the day of harvest.
Bonide Infuse Systemic Disease Control Fungicide prevents and controls over 30 plant diseases, including tough to control soil borne pathogens. Ideal for use on bulb, annual and perennial flowers, bedding plants and ground covers, deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs. Perfect for cool and warm season grasses. Finally, a product that solves disease problems of home planting!
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With the official first day of spring at hand, March is an exciting month in the garden. While it is important not to rush into gardening too early and put...